We are dedicated to preserving the fundamentals of our democracy by fighting the spread of Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) and increasing voter turnout. This is key to protecting democratic participation and upholding the will of the constiuents.
In its first statewide CV election (2022), Alaska had the lowest voter turnout since it first became a state. That same year, the U.S. had one of its highest voter turnouts. Through polls, studies, and high quality videos showing CV suppressed the vote across all political parties, Preserve Democracy will help educate AK, NH, & NV about the dangers of RCV.
Introduced in 2017 and 2022 would require RCV in all 50 states for all U.S. House and Senate races.
RCV already has been used in most states' elections (local, state, federal). It's used statewide in Maine and Alaska.
In its first RCV election (2022), Alaska had the lowest voter turnout rate since statehood. Both Democrats and Republicans voted in low numbers.
In 2022, RCV was passed statewide in NV. It has to pass again before it can be implemented. The NH legislature is considering enacting RCV.
For decades, RV has been funded by special interest groups. When funded this way, RV isn't about democracy; it's about an ulterior motive.
Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is a political weapon and emerging threat to our democracy. Through confusion, complication, and greater control by dark money, CV suppresses the vote and manipulates election outcomes.
Eliminates party primaries. All candidates run against each other.
Top candidates, regardless of party, go to general election.
Voters rank candidates in order of preference.
Lower candidates' votes are reallocated to higher candidates.
Through polls, studies and videos showing CV suppressed the vote and disenfranchised marginalized voters in Alaska, we will help educate AK, NH, & NV about the dangers of RCV.
We will focus on strategically getting-out-the-vote in Alaska and add other House districts with tight races as funds allow. Our methods cost less than half the industry average cost per voter.
As RV proposals spread, we are mobilizing and empowering voters and policymakers to oppose CV by educating and equipping them with real data, case studies, and CV voter perspectives.
645 G St. Ste. 100-578
Anchorage, AK 99501